“One of the greatest contributing factors to overall happiness is how much gratitude you show”

I recently stumbled across an incredible Youtube channel called ‘SoulPancake‘ that makes really interesting videos focusing on issues that people go through in life and a little guide on how to get through it. The interesting part is how these videos are conceptualised and brought to attention.

Everybody goes through ups and downs in life. But how we fend for ourselves through these dark times determines the true strength that we possess. The video that caught my attention the most from this channel was “The Science of Happiness An experiment in Gratitude“.

“Psychologists have scientifically proven that one of the greatest contributing factors to overall happiness in your life is how much gratitude you show.” Julian Huguet (always trust the man in the lab coat)

At first, I wasn’t too keen on watching the whole video. I had the attention span of a goldfish and also I wasn’t feeling the best. But I’m glad I pushed myself to finish this video.

The experiment starts off with few volunteers filling up a questionnaire to test their initial level of happiness then they are asked to close their eyes to visualise the person that has been the most influential in their life. The volunteers were then given a piece of paper and pen to write their gratitude for that influential person.

What happened next .. really put a big smile on my face.

It doesn’t take too much to be happy. If everyone could show more gratitude towards the people and things that they have in life, then life would indeed be a little more better.

So, I challenge you to go send a random text or call someone who means the world to you and let them know that you are absolutely thankful for everything that they have ever done for you. I promise that you will feel so much lighter and happier as a person.



Beyond Norm is a Digital Marketing and Creative Agency with a timeless yet innovative approach to photography, branding, and storytelling to help you elevate your brand to the next level. In the process of our work, we create content ranging from food to travel to little tips and tricks that we've picked up along the way. If you enjoy our content, or would like to help support our business, please follow us on our socials (Facebook, Instagram [@TheRealBeyondNorm], and YouTube)!

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