Recipe: Salted Egg Yolk Chicken (牛油黃金鸡)

The reaction I had from my daughter was, “Yeah!!” when I mentioned that I will be cooking the salted egg yolk chicken. Salted Egg Yolk is amazing on chicken, squid or prawns, and oh yes, crabs!! I have decided to prepare this dish in a healthier way, by eliminating the step of deep frying the chicken with a batter. The dish turned out to be amazingly delicious and rich in taste; it is coated with this creamy sauce, mixed with curry leaves, and chopped chilli of course!!

I am very fortunate to be able to buy just the salted egg yolk on its own from the market near where I live. If you can’t get hold of the yolk, just buy salted eggs and separate the yolk from the white. Don’t discard the white, you can add them and some lean meat into porridge the following day to make another meal.

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Serves 4 persons


3 pieces of boneless chicken thighs without skin

2 to 3 chilli padi, chopped finely

2 tablespoons of minced garlic

30 curry leaves

2 tablespoons of cooking oil

30g butter

Marinade for the chicken

1 teaspoon brown sugar

1 teaspoon salt

Dashes of white pepper

2 tablespoons of Chinese wine

Salted egg yolk sauce

6 salted egg yolks

A pinch of sugar


Preparation of Curry Leaves:

  1. Rinse and dry the curry leaves.
  2. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of cooking oil into a pan.
  3. Add in the curry leaves and fry till fragrant and set aside.

Preparation for the Chicken:

  1. Rinse and cut the chicken thighs into 1 inch chunks.
  2. Add sugar, salt, pepper and cooking wine to chicken and marinate for 30 minutes or more.

Cooking the chicken:

  1. Using the same pan for the curry leaves add the butter.
  2. Add in garlic and the chilli and fry till fragrant.
  3. Add in the marinated chicken pieces and fry till almost cooked.
  4. Dish out and set aside.

Preparation for the Salted Egg:

  1. Steam the salted egg yolks for 10 mins.
  2. Remove from steamer and mash the salted egg yolks to as fine as possible.
  3. Using the same pan that cooked the chicken add the mashed salted egg yolks and fry till foamy.
  4. Toss in the chicken and ensure that it is fully cooked through and evenly coated with the salted egg.
  5. Then add in fried curry leaves and mixed well.
  6. Serve immediately.


If you prefer a spicier sauce, don’t deseed or you can add more chilli padi.

If you find that your salted egg sauce is too dry, you may add 1 or 2 tablespoons of milk.

Mummy's Kitchen

Hi! My name is Josephine Go. I blog at in a segment called Mummy’s Kitchen. I love to use fresh and natural ingredients in my cooking to promote healthy eating. Some of my recipes may not be in line with the traditional methods of cooking to the extent that some of the ingredients are different, but hopefully new recipes are being created in my style. I certainly hope that what I do will help guide kitchen first-timers on how to cook their first meal as well as further equip kitchen veterans with new recipes. My loving husband and two wonderful children are my best guinea pigs and critics. They have enjoyed (or endured) the food that has been served to them for all these years. Mind you, I did not know how to cook or ever knew that I could cook till I got married. So there is hope for everyone. If I can cook, you can cook. You will not know how good or talented you are until you put your hand in the plough.

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