How-To: Kerisik (Toasted Coconut)

Kerisik is used in Malaysian and Singaporean cooking. It is a MUST have for rendang and kerabu salads. It adds on a really fragrant and smoky taste to the curry, making it distinctive from all the other curries. Since I have many packets of store bought kerisik on hand, I thought it is high time I make some on my own. It is a fairly simple and easy to make as long as you have fresh shredded coconut or desiccated coconut at home. Yes, only one ingredient is required!!

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10 to 12 tablespoons fresh shredded coconut



  1. Toast the shredded coconut in a dry (no oil required), non-stick pan over medium heat.
  2. Stir frequently until the coconut is golden brown.
  3. Transfer the toasted coconut into a pestle or mortar and pound to release the fragrance and oils. You can also blend it in a food processor.
  4. It is ready to use for your rendang. Any extra may be kept in the fridge for up to a week or freezer for up to a month.

Mummy's Kitchen

Hi! My name is Josephine Go. I blog at in a segment called Mummy’s Kitchen. I love to use fresh and natural ingredients in my cooking to promote healthy eating. Some of my recipes may not be in line with the traditional methods of cooking to the extent that some of the ingredients are different, but hopefully new recipes are being created in my style. I certainly hope that what I do will help guide kitchen first-timers on how to cook their first meal as well as further equip kitchen veterans with new recipes. My loving husband and two wonderful children are my best guinea pigs and critics. They have enjoyed (or endured) the food that has been served to them for all these years. Mind you, I did not know how to cook or ever knew that I could cook till I got married. So there is hope for everyone. If I can cook, you can cook. You will not know how good or talented you are until you put your hand in the plough.

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